
Social Responsibility

Henan Zhongda Hengyuan Biological Technology Co., Ltd. earnestly implements Jinping’s theory of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", takes green recycling development as the company's obligatory social responsibility, vigorously promotes green biological manufacturing, and builds a natural plant extraction green industry base. Promote the green and healthy development of the industry.

  • 0

    0 waste discharge

  • 40%+

    Energy saving, emission reduction and emission reduction increased by 40%+

  • 200

    Accumulatively drive the employment of 200+ persons with disabilities

  • 90000

    Drive 90,000 farmers to increase production

Green industry and reduce carbon emissions

Green industry and reduce carbon emissions

Green industry and reduce carbon emissions
The company has forward-looking thinking, overall planning, and strategic layout. It implements the "four-step control method" of source reduction

 Increase in farmers' income

Increase in farmers' income

Develop characteristic industrial planting to drive farmers to increase production and income
The company has established dozens of raw material production bases in Henan, Xinjiang, Hubei, Zhejiang, Inner Mongolia,


Circular economy

Develop a circular economy and form a closed loop of resources
The company attaches great importance to environmental protection and the comprehensive utilization of resources, adhering to the circular economy concept of "eat dry and squeeze out" plant resources

Circular economy


Sincere charity and charity, sincere charity to help the poor
The company has always been committed to sustainable development, has the courage to assume social and moral responsibilities, regards economy,
